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Premium Quality

Our courses are the most up to date as they are based on recent guidelines and recommended study resources. We ensure that the course contents are specific to exam requirements. Right guidance is provided at each step to help you achieve your goals.

Learn from the passionate, well qualified and experts in their fields. Our instructors are not only competent in their subjects but also possess excellent communication skills which enable them to understand and work well with people.

Life-Long Learning

It is the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated form of learning. Our courses are specifically designed to learn new things in a more enjoyable and rewarding way. It helps to succeed in the exam as well as changes the mid-set to become life-long learners.

Be The Best

Everyone learns differently. With our courses, you have the flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere at your own pace. Our focus is on helping people to be the best they can be and fulfill their dreams.

Achieving a goal is a process. One of the key components of that process is motivation to set objectives, overcome obstacles and sustain momentum until you reach your goal. We ensure that you are supported at each and every step until you achieve success.


Understanding and planning make the foundation for success. If you plan it well and stick to it you are halfway done. For that guidance by the right people in the right direction is required. We are here for you, helping you and to be a partner in your success.

RK4 was started in 2019 as a “Simple Blog | Dr. Rubab Khalid | A Blog About MRCOG |” with the aim to guide the MRCOG exam aspirants by simplifying study materials, providing tips/ tricks and support. Over the period of just two years, #RUBABK4 has become an essential reading resource for any of the doctors pursuing their career in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

RUBABK4 is one of the most read Ob/Gynae blogs with over 400 000 page visits (still counting) and it ranked as TOP 10 Ob/Gyn Blogs in the world on Feedspot RSS in 2020.

At RK4, we believe there is a better way to educate & learn. We are obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to help people achieve their dreams by unlocking their hidden potentials.

Learn Something Every Day

Dr. Rubab Khalid

A blog about MRCOG.

Introduction: MRCOG (UK) MCPS (Pak) MBBS (Pak).

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist.

Features of Our Courses

Why Choose Us?

Because you need the RIGHT Guidance

We are much more than a course!

We are passionate about seeing our students succeed and grow their careers.

We’re ready when you are?

Our courses are available for you to learn at your own convenience with regards to place and time.

It’s Affordable

Our courses are affordable yet maintain the highest quality content.

It’s Focused

Our courses are developed focusing on the exam needs which saves a lot of time.

Extensive Support

Ongoing 24/7 support on WhatsApp / Telegram.

World of Opportunities

You not only get quality distance learning but also get a chance to grow your network by interacting with people all over the world.

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